Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Iron Fist, New comics

New comics!

Runaways 32-38

The last issues of this series.  Rainbow Rowell brings it all to a...somewhat frustrating close.  There are plenty of dangling plot threads as everyone heads off on their own adventures, and the feeling is that of starting a new chapter, rather than the ending of a pretty darn good run.  The journey’s been a really fun one, and I’m glad I picked up the last two trades after giving up on the singles a while back.  

Magic Order 2 1

Mark Millar returns, with Stuart Immonen on art this time around.  Lots of set up, a few fun moments, I’m expecting the second lap to be just as entertaining as the first.  

Immortal Iron Fist 1-6

This is the comic that put Matt Fraction on my radar.  (Last of the Independents came four years earlier, but that was just a one shot effort.)  There’s tons of great action (with superb David Aja art), and this is one of the few hero mantles where giving it a lineage increases the mystique rather than cheapening it.  (See JMS with Spider-Man.)  

I dig how Fraction does these Iron Fist introductions through history.

Travel Foreman does the art on these sweet flashbacks.

I want to read a series starring her.

I remember (and am expecting) lots of fun times ahead with this run.


Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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