Saturday, November 13, 2021

Incredible Hulk

Incredible Hulk 92-105

Not quite as good I remember, mostly due to the average art.  If Ladronn, who did the beautiful covers, had done the interiors as well, this may have been a much more successful run.  

Would have loved a full run of this art.

Still, Hulk as a gladiator and rebel leader is a pitch that pretty much writes itself, and Greg Pak executes it quite well. 

I couldn’t help but think of Frank Miller’s description of Marv in Dame to Kill For, and how perfectly it applies to Hulk as well:

The death of Hulk’s wife, Caiera, is surprisingly touching.  Pak builds up the affection and love between the two quite effectively, making the tragedy in the final issue a convincing motivation for Hulk’s upcoming rampage in World War Hulk.

By the way, I absolutely do not buy for one second the idea that the Illuminati would have exiled Hulk into space.  That’s top grade villainy there, and completely out of character.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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