Friday, September 14, 2018

Mage, Superman, Runaways, World of Tanks, Catwoman, Moth and Whisper

New comics!  Though I shouldn’t sound so excited.  This was a lackluster week. Part of it might be because I’m pretty sleepy and that’s affecting my enjoyment of these issues.  But I don’t think that’s why.

Mage: The Hero Denied 12
The Matt Wagner art has officially stopped being enough to make up for a boring-ass story.  So little happens in this issue that it’s hard to believe I spend four bucks on it. But with only three issues left in the series, am I pot committed?  I don’t think I’ve ever felt the need to reread the first two parts of this trilogy, nor do I really want to reread this one. I have much better examples of both Wagner’s writing and art. I save myself the twelve bucks?

Even if I don’t like the other Mage’s the second time around, I don’t see myself cutting them from my collection.  It’s unlikely to happen with Hero Denied, either.  The art’s still too good to get rid of.  From that point of view, the completionist in me will want the last three issues.  Sigh. Looks like it’s got me hooked for now. (And not in a good way.)

Runaways 13
The first real misstep by Rainbow Rowell on this title.  I hate Alex WIlder, with his sanctimonious “I know I’m right” attitude, the way he assumes control of the group, and his arrogant presumption that he can behave as if he’d done nothing wrong.  So much hate. I’m not enjoying this at all.

Also, Kris Anka isn’t around with his wonderful art.  David LaFuente takes over, and his work isn’t nearly as good.  It doesn’t suck, but it just isn’t in the same league.

Catwoman 3
First of all, Stanley “Artgerm” Lau does some of the most beautiful covers in the world.

Second, what the heck is up with DC’s digital comic program?  The first issue was available to redemption, but the next two weren’t.  It’s frustrating. Marvel lets you add just about all of their titles, which is really sweet.  

Third, this might very well be my final issue of Catwoman.  Joelle Jones continues to draw a good looking book, but I haven’t cared about the hero or the villain for the last two issues.  Raina Creel’s flashback origin doesn’t provide any insights - I don’t need further reinforcement that she’s really really evil. Selina’s in full self-destruct mode, and she’s not doing it in an interesting way, either.  

I’ll flip through the next issue in the store, but its prospects of making it home aren’t good.

World of Tanks: Citadel 5
Complete failure on all counts.  The story isn’t driven by character, which is a usual hallmark of Garth Ennis’ war stories.  The art by PJ Holden looks worse than in previous issues. The storytelling is confused - there were plenty of times where I couldn’t tell what was going on.  I’m hoping that the failures in story are due to editorial directives from the World of Tanks IP, and not Ennis losing his touch. That would be a tragedy.

Superman 3
No digital redemption for this issue either :(

I’ll keep posting David Mack covers as long as he keeps doing them.

The streak of poor issues this week continues.  Rogol Zaar convince Jax-Ur, a Kryptonian trapped in the Phantom Zone, to attack Earth with him.  Superman asks a bunch of people how to get Earth out of the Phantom Zone. They don’t know. That’s everything that happens.  It’s making me sad, but I may have to drop this title. (I’ll keep going with Action for a while longer; the story there’s a little more engaging.)  We’ll see how the next issue looks on the stands.

Moth and Whisper 1
It’s sad that the best issue of the week is a first issue that looked intriguing in the solicitations.  (Not that a new title can’t be awesome, but because it’s only decent.) The protagonist takes over the identities of both his parents when they go missing - Moth and Whisper, two of the best thieves in the city.  It’s fun enough, and the art has a nice indie feel to it. I don’t know if that’s sufficient to warrant continued purchase, but I’ll keep an eye out for it next month.

Some nice work by Jen Hickman.

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