Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Top 10

Top 10 1-12

There’s something so comforting about a well done police precinct story - Brooklyn 99, Gotham Central, Hill Street Blues (so I’ve heard), Green Lantern Corps (space police), and this.  It takes a skilled writer (or writers room) to come up with such a large group of distinctive personalities, give them all unique, memorable cases, and occasionally bring them together for the “all hands on deck” emergencies.  

Alan Moore is obviously a skilled writer, and along with artists Gene Ha and Zander Cannon, he’s created a doozy of a series.  While this isn’t on the same level as the comic titles I listed above (I want more GC and GLC, but have no burning desire to read more Top Ten.  Oh, there was a season 2, but with Zander Cannon writing.  Meh.), it’s undoubtedly entertaining.  And the art is spectacular.  Gene Ha does career work here.

The Atom-Cats vs the Ultramice.  What started as an apparent throwaway gag...

...quickly escalates into something epicly hilarious.

With a perfect button.

What does it say that my first thought was to wonder why he's quoting U2?

A well done story.

Joe is awesome.  Moore clearly enjoys writing him.

He's like Tao from WildCATS, but not evil.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Top 10: The Forty-Niners

A prequel graphic novel that’s just as good.  Not much more to say :)

Gene Ha earns his paycheck with just this splash.

The last page, a cute little mirror of the end of the original series...

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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