Saturday, August 28, 2021

New comics

So many new comics, and yet again, it’s a reaffirmation of why I love this medium so very much.  A ton of great stuff.

Die 19

Lots of stuff happens here, and it’s all entertaining, but I’m honestly ready for this to be over with the next issue.  Depending on how it ends, I might not be back for any follow ups.

Old Guard: Tales Through Time 5

Yeah, this series wasn’t worth picking up.  There’s no meat to any of these short stories.  I got suckered in by the first issue.  Mistake.  And now I’m committed, there’s only one issue left.  

Black Widow 10

This arc has been generic from the story side, but the art continues to be incomparable.  Elena Casagrande!

Awesome reveal.  And Kate Bishop is always welcome.

Dude.  This is insane.


Superman: Son of Kal-El 2

Some nice character moments, mostly set up for future confrontations.  It’s still weird seeing Wildstorm properties like Gamorra and Henry Bendix in the DC universe.


Jupiter’s Legacy: Requiem 3

This is...fine.  Do I really want to stick around for another nine issues?  Kind of torn on this one.

Batman/Catwoman 6

Probably the weakest Tom King story since Heroes in Crisis.  It’s not bad or anything, but there doesn’t seem to be any point to this, even for a King story.  He doesn’t appear to be setting the groundwork for anything, it’s just some disjointed scenes that don’t contribute much of anything.  I could be wrong, though.  I’m hoping I am.

Black Cat 9

Not really feeling this caper so far.  Maybe it’s because I’ve found Star to be a boring villain, both here and over in Captain Marvel.  (I just discovered that Kelly Thompson wrote a Star miniseries, but I can’t be bothered to pick it up.  And this is as a recent Thompson convert.)

I didn't think much of this Pepe Larraz cover until I examined the faces.

Moon Knight 2

Not as strong as the first issue, but I’m in for at least a few more issues; Jed MacKay deserves that much.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow 3

Loving this.  The strengths of this issue lie in the moments, not the plot (which is the standard “town hiding a genocide” trope.  (Is that really a trope?  It didn’t feel new to me, in any case.)).  

It’s in the way Bilquis Evely draws the outline of Supergirl’s hair with solid, impossible curves:

It’s in the protective way she shields the narrator during an assassination attempt:

And it’s the way she brushes aside a bullet to the eye, very reminiscent of Superman Returns:

Nightwing 83

No one masters the “moment” like Tom Taylor.  The thing is, none of these instances are that surprising; they’re actually pretty obvious.  But the point is that Taylor’s the only one who actually takes the time to realize them.  That’s the magic.  

Power pose!

Alfred getting the proper respect.


This literally brought tears to my eyes.

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