Saturday, August 7, 2021

Highwaymen, Magic Order, Mr Majestic

Highwaymen 1-5

A superfun action miniseries with surprise art by a before-I-knew-him Lee Garbett.  (Looking totally different from his current style, channelling a lot more Frank Quitely.)  A fine example of execution transcending a generic template.  (Kudos to writers Marc Bernardin and Adam Freeman.)  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Magic Order 1-6

My original thoughts.  I still agree with them; This is a wonderful series from both the writing (Mark Millar) and art (Olivier Coipel) sides.  Also, I’d much rather continue reading this as a comic than watch it as a Netflix series.  (Book Two comes out in October!)

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Mr Majestic 1-6

I remember this as a comic with batshit crazy ideas and some sweetly poignant moments.  Well, there’s one super issue with an aMAZing idea (Majestic HIDES THE SOLAR SYSTEM!!!!) and one with a heartbreaking sacrifice.  (Totally reflected in Donner and Johns’ Action Comics seven years later.)

A good way to make a superman feel helpless is to take away his child.

When kids are braver than their parents...

Alas, the rest of the Joe Casey/Brian Holguin/Ed McGuinness offerings are pretty tedious.  No wonder I didn’t have any recollection of them.  

Keeping 1 and 4, cutting the rest.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No (Yes for 1, 4)

Would read again: No (Yes for 1, 4)

Rating: Didn’t suck (Pretty good for 1, 4)

Majestic 1

Not sure why I picked this up.  It’s really weird seeing Majestic talk to Superman.  (I’d completely forgotten that can happen after DC bought Wildstorm…)  An easy cut.

Regret buying: Yes

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Fine

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