Friday, August 13, 2021

Skyward, New comics

New comics!

Captain Marvel 31

A fun little banter issue, Kelly Thompson’s usual “single issue breather between arcs.”  Carol’s Kree sister Lauri continues to be an utter delight.

Rorschach 11

The string of excellent issues is broken as Tom King starts to bring it all together in the penultimate issue.  This will make more sense in the re-read, I’m sure.

Seven Secrets 11

I really need to consider the possibility that this series just isn’t doing it for me, despite my general love for Tom Taylor and the gorgeous art by Daniele Di Nicuolo.  The traitor is revealed here, and I have zero emotional reaction.  As colorful and sweet looking as all these keepers and holders are I couldn’t name a single one of them.  Not sure how much longer I’m going to give this.  

Skyward 1-15

This is as good as I remember.  My original reviews are here, but I’m going to repost some art by Lee Garbett because it’s that lovely.

Garbett loves his tiny characters set against huge backgrounds.

Scintillating colors by Antonio Fabela

Literally one of my favorite drawings ever.

He just draws a lovely floating Willa.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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