Sunday, August 1, 2021

Fire Power, Getting it Together, New Comics

New comics!

Superman: Son of Kal-El 1

Tom Taylor is amazing.  Just about every page of this has a “pause to appreciate” moment, it’s really quite impressive.  

Best bros.

New best bros.  Poor ninja.

Obvious Donner tribute here:

Ah, that smile :)

The problem is that I’m completely skeptical about the premise; I don’t see how Taylor’s going to get Jon to fix climate change or wealth inequity or any other real-world issue in any kind of believable way.  But I’m definitely on board for now, because he’s such a good writer.

Black Widow 9

Writer Kelly Thompson is totally channeling Florence Pugh through her Yelena, and I’m 100% okay with it.  What’s odd is that I’m getting no Scarlett in her Natasha.

I can't help but read this in Pugh's voice.

This too.  It's great.

And Elena Casagrande continues to own, of course.

Strange Adventures 11

The truth comes out, and it’s well written as usual.  Will see how it wraps up next month.

Love the owl creature design.

Black Cat 8

Not Jed MacKay’s most interesting caper for Felicia, but it’s entertaining enough.  And if this somehow ends up with Black Cat getting an Infinity Stone?  That’d be sweet.  

Beta Ray Bill 5

Such a fun finish to a wonderful miniseries, and with a heartache-y ending to boot.  Daniel Warren Johnson is on my radar now, after these five issues.  

Skurge has been great this whole series.

This whole sequence is glorious.

Old Guard: Tales Through Time 4

Not bad, but I'm not sure this series is good enough to justify the purchase. Kind of late now with two issues to go.

Fire Power: Prelude, 1-6

Once again, my original thoughts have not strayed from my current ones.  (That usually seems to be the case when there aren’t that many years between readings.)

The prelude remains phenomenal, slowly building up with all of the training and relationship growth until it reaches the climactic battle.  The battle itself flows with amazing pace, growing in tension and excitement until it practically explodes in the finale.  It’s a spectacular job by Robert Kirkman and Chris Samnee.  

Sadly, the main title doesn’t maintain that energy.  There are some sweet moments, particularly the tension that comes from knowing that a former love will always hold a place in your spouse’s heart.  

I get where she's coming from.

Also get his POV.

But this is as good of an explanation as I've heard.

Yet for all of that, the story feels surprisingly sparse.  Not much actually happens in these six issues - One issue to set things up, then five issues of fighting that take place over 24 hours or so. It’s going far too slowly, and that’s why I quit reading.  Which isn’t to say that this is a poorly executed comic.  The craft is all excellent, it’s just not for me.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No (Yes to the Prelude)

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good (Good for the Prelude)

Getting it Together 1

Even less fun than the first time I read it.  Relationship problems for people I don’t really like reading about.  Easy cut.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Didn’t suck

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