Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Casey WildCATs

WildCATs 22-28

So...what happens to close out volume 2?  Zealot returns from the dead and goes Coda killing.  There’s a subplot with an LA cop hooked on drugs that doesn’t really go anywhere.  Spartan absorbs the powers of Void.  Voodoo’s legs grow back and she ends up with Maul.  Agent Wax joins the team.

Noir betrays Spartan, somehow drastically underestimates the android’s powers despite having planned this coup for months, and gets his ass teleported into nothingness.  But he gives Spartan the idea for the forever battery, setting up Volume 3.

So at the end of it all, Maul, Zealot, Voodoo, Maul, and Warblade are off the team.  Spartan and Grifter remain as Joe Casey sets up something so far from the original WildCATs concept that it might as well have a new title.  But this is all fine by me, because what’s coming up is totally sweet.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Wildcats Version 3.0 1-9

This is really where it gets going.  The always excellent Dustin Nguyen takes over on art.  Somehow, Casey makes running a Fortune 500 company the most interesting thing about this comic.  That’s not damning with faint praise, that’s flat out praise.  I want this comic to be about nothing but Spartan plotting the global domination of Halo with batteries that last forever.  Seriously.

The other stuff, with Grifter training Dolby, Wax sliding down the slippery slope of hypnotizing people for his own tawdry pleasures, and Rendozzo looking for her son is entertaining as well, but it just takes time away from Spartan changing the world.  

Hit-Girl 6 years before Hit-Girl

Nguyen having tons of fun with the title pages.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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