Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Robinson WildCATS

WildCATS 15-19

The James Robinson/Travis Charest issues.  (With Jim Lee on the last issue.)  First of all, Charest is a stone cold beast of an artist.  He’s not one to draw facial expressions, but everything else about his art is gorgeous.  And his time on WildCATS is the one instance (that I can think of) where he manages to do interior art for any extended period of time.  

Jedi Voodoo looks amazing.

Jim Lee is as good as you can get for a fill in artist, and I daresay that Richard Bennett is his best inker, even better than Scott Williams.  Bennett adds a level of detail that enhances Lee’s work while maintaining its distinctive style.  

Look at the intricacy on the weapons!

Possibly my favorite Zealot pose.

Lee loves this angle for women shooting machine guns...


Robinson’s writing is not his strongest, but he does a really nice job on the Ben Santini arc in issues 15 and 16.  He gives a nice glimpse into the lives of the Black Razors, showing both their flaws and how none of them matter when they’re working together as a highly skilled fighting team.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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