Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Alice in Leatherland, Betty and Veronica, Bully Pulpit

Alice in Leatherland 1

Nothing's changed in the last three months.  Cutting.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Fine

Betty and Veronica 1-2

This is a weird series.  The rare Adam Hughes interior art doesn’t disappoint, it’s technically flawless and gorgeous while keeping the traditional Hughes good girl pinups to a minimum.  The writing, also by Hughes, is jam packed with jokes, gags, and tons of fourth-wall-breaking asides that actually elicit chuckles.  But the combined package fails to impress me.  It’s too self aware of its own cuteness, and rubs both past and present me the wrong way.  I didn’t get the final issue back then, and I really don’t care about how Pop’s Diner gets saved, or how Betty and Veronica mend their relationship.  Keeping ‘cause the art.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine 

Tales from the Bully Pulpit

Teddy Roosevelt steals HG Wells’ time machine, enlists the help of Thomas Edison’s ghost, and battles Hitler’s descendent, Jorge.  Yeah, it’s that kind of book.  My sense of humor appears to have shifted a few notches in the last couple of decades, because I don’t find this or other silly books like Rex Mantooth as funny any more.  It’s still more amusing than most of the other comics I have with similar sensibilities, but it’s not the uproarious good time I remember it being.

When in doubt, just add science.

I have never forgotten Chairman Meow.  I love him.

Lincoln always shows up in silly time travel stories, and he always kicks ass.

Okay, sometimes he's just silly.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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