Monday, August 9, 2021

Savage Dragon

Savage Dragon 1-3

Savage Dragon 1-21

My wife got the first two black and white Archive TPBs for cheap from the want ads at work a while back.  Not sure what inspired her to do that, it’s not like she’s ever heard of Dragon or is planning to read these.  Perhaps she thought I would be interested in them.  (I asked her, she doesn’t remember.)

Anyway, since I’m up to the S’s in my Image box, it’s as good a time as any to pull these off of the stack of “things I’ve never gotten around to reading” and give it a go.

It’s what I’ve always expected from this title, which I never really got into when it first came out during the dawn of Image: dynamic art by Erik Larsen (there’s so much Jack Kirby in what he does), lots of fisticuffs, and completely forgettable plots.  

An easy cut.  At least it’s a really fast read.  (About four minutes per issue.)

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Fine

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