Thursday, May 17, 2018

Thompson Hawkeye, She-Hulk

Hawkeye 13-16
The last issues that I was missing in the run came out in trade last week.  The book starts with the Generations: Hawkeyes issue that I’ve already reviewed (very briefly).  I did not expect it to have any repercussion on the main title, which is silly in hindsight.  Kelly Thompson wrote both, so it stands to reason that she’d tie in the Generations issue to the storyline proper.  

Thompson’s Hawkeye is very fine work.  It’s a worthy successor to Fraction’s run.  There’s just as much humor and heart, starring a protagonist who’s just as flawed as her mentor (though in different ways).

Things that I liked:
Madame Masque and Kate complaining about each other’s costumes.  Because of course there was a reason for both of them to put on the other’s.  

For all their bickering, the two Hawkeyes really make an amazing team, and it’s so fun to watch.  And Leonardo Romero makes the action sing.

I like that Kate’s friends are so fiercely loyal to her.  It’s a small thing, but it’s heartwarming to see.

Kate’s brief time with her mother is beautiful.

There have really been a ton of fights between Masque’s minions and Hawkeye.  It’s nice to see that acknowledged. “I cannot be kicked in the face again today by a Hawkeye!”  Heh.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Pretty good

She-Hulk 1-3
Dan Slott’s back with Juan Bobillo after a too-long dalliance with Paul Pelletier.  Unfortunately, it’s still not as fun as their first couple issues in the previous volume.  There is a nice meta rant about comic fans waiting for the trades, which I enjoyed.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Fine

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