Saturday, May 5, 2018

Runaways/Young Avengers, Runaways

Runaways/Young Avengers 1-3
I’ve really got Infinity War on the brain, because this miniseries feels like it could be happening just off camera.  Not with the specifics, since it’s Skrulls and not Thanos army, but the scope of it is very similar. It’s just a big fight scene, while each team’s resident Skrull works out their differences.  

Takeshi Miyazawa is really perfect for these characters.  Particularly Molly and Clara. Their innocence and joyful exuberance come through on the page.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Nice

Runaways 1-10
Terry Moore sounded like a good fit for Runaways.  I was really looking forward to seeing how he would apply his facility with ‘real life’ characters to this cast, but it just didn’t click for me.  The conflict between the team members was magically induced, reducing the stakes, and the Majesdanian attack was a contrived way to get Xavin out of the picture.  This did not need six issues to resolve.
This was also a substandard run for Humberto Ramos, which hurts me to say.  His characters are too exaggerated, and his storytelling incoherent. He took the things that made his style awesome and pushed them too far.

Those faces are way too much.

I still can't tell what's going on in the lower left panel.

Moore’s writing deteriorates even further with the subsequent Rock Zombies story arc.  A stupid, annoying radio shock jock with an army of zombies makes for a boring, stupid read.  But I’m keeping it for the wonderful, sweet ending.

This feels exactly like the lazy weekend morning that it’s supposed to be.  Lounging on the couch on their pjs, knees tucked into an oversized shirt, playing video games.  And added on top of that is their nonchalant confidence in their future. There’s a feeling of peace and contentment that’s absolutely sublime.  Miyazawa and Moore knock it out of the park.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Stupid

Runaways 11-14
Total garbage.  I don’t know what Kathryn Immonen was trying to accomplish here.  It’s reminiscent of Ann Nocenti on Daredevil - Words that make sense individually, but not when strung together in this order.   I got madder and madder as I read each successive issue. An easy cut. Keeping issue 10, because Molly driving the X-Men crazy is pretty fun.  (Yost did the writing, not Immonen.)

Regret buying? Yes
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Hated (Cut)

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