Saturday, May 19, 2018

She-Hulk, Mighty Thor, World of Tanks: Citadel, Walk Through Hell

New comics!
World of Tanks: Citadel 1
Garth Ennis continues to write awesome war comics.  This one takes place during the Battle of Kursk during World War II.  It covers both the Russians and Germans, focusing on a tank crew from each side.  Ennis portrays both groups as likeable people, professional and unconcerned with the politics and hate, only with surviving to the next day and the next.  It’s a formula he’s used time and again, and it continues to serve him well.

This was the largest tank battle of the war, and PJ Holden really conveys that scale in his art.  At the same time, Ennis makes sure that the reader doesn’t forget the humanity of each individual involved in the conflict.  As long as he keeps writing these, I’ll keep buying them.

Walk Through Hell 1
Another Ennis book this week!  (World of Tanks actually came out last week, but the store was late in getting the shipment.)  I bought this solely based on his name on the cover. He can be hit and miss with his non-mainstream or war comics, but I’ll give anything he does a shot.  

This is shaping up to be a horror comic.  The beginning reminds me of Walking Dead (it really set the standard for mother/baby dual killings.  Not the best legacy), and it spirals down from there. Ennis himself tells us that it’s just going to get worse.  
"Later, they would come to agree that it was actually the least awful thing to happen."  

Yeah, this is horrible.
But this was so much worse.

Ennis’ depiction of the horrible Twitter conversation that would follow such an event is way too on the nose for comfort.  It made me want to throw up.

The rest of the issue builds up the horror of whatever’s in the warehouse.  This one panel alone effectively sells the threat for me:

Ready for at least one more issue.

Mighty Thor: At the Gates of Valhalla
What the hell is up with Jason Aaron and these stupid prologue filler moneygrabs?  I didn’t expect Marvel: Legacy to start a trend for him. He’s better than this. At least the first story isn’t trash.  Thor’s granddaughters travel back in time to visit the cancer-ridden Jane Foster. That they specifically cite the non-Thor, sick Jane as their inspiration was wonderful and heartwarming.  Atli eating New York street food is excellent as well.

The second story, with Malekith visiting all the realms, is pointless.  He’s a villain, blah blah blah. He’s a boring, generic villain, and I haven’t missed him a bit in the main title.  

She-Hulk 4-15
This title lost its shine way faster than I would have expected.  The previous volume started with the promise of goofy, clever fun, but that’s mostly gone now:
Issue 4 - Jen returns to the town she razed back in Avengers: Search of She-Hulk.  (Nice getting Scott Kolins back to continue the work he did in that arc.) She’s depressed until she wins the town back over and makes amends.  
Issue 5 - The last really fun issue.  Not coincidentally, it’s Juan Bobillo’s last issue.  The Two-Gun Kid really shines here, and no one draws Awesome Andy like Bobillo.

Issues 6-7 - Dan Slott makes the excellent point that Eros’ power essentially forces all the women he seduces into complying with his advances.  It’s a thread I’m glad he’s tackling, but it doesn’t fit the tone he’d previously set for the title.

Issue 8 - Civil War nonsense, where Iron Man and the general public go on a witch hunt.  Hate.

Issue 9 - Eros’ power’s effect on She-Hulk and Mallory Book really starts wreaking havoc when Shulkie and John Jameson get married.  The whole false love plotlines leave a horrible taste in my mouth. Especially when Mallory realized that it’s been Awesome Andy’s inadvertent fault the entire time.  Hate.

Slott does write a decent J Jonah Jameson.  I would have loved to see JK Simmons’ take on this issue.

Perfect casting.
Also props to Slott for writing an entire page of spit takes.  

By issue 14, the law firm’s basically shut down, Awesome Andy’s run off in shame, and She-Hulk’s been drafted into SHIELD.  I’ve completely lost interest. Only another 7 issues to go, maybe Slott turns it around.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Didn’t suck

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