Saturday, May 19, 2018


She-Hulk 16-22
Slott did not turn it around.  The freefall of this title continues, falling as far as flat out Boring before mercifully ending.  Peter David takes over the last issue of my collection, but there’s nothing interesting there either.  I’m not keeping any of today’s comics, and I’m going to look back at the rest of the run and cull out a good chunk of that too.  My current inclination is to keep the Bobillo issues and nothing else. Sigh. And things had started off so well.

Things that didn’t suck:
Slott goes on another meta rant, giving voice to the fans who bitch about the cost of single issues and splash pages.  It amused me.

At least Dan Slott is equal opportunity.  There’s an Agent Beefcake to go along with Agent Cheesecake.  

Pug’s really looking like Peter Dinklage.

That’s...about it.  Everything else is a slog - She-Hulk fights with the Hulkbusters for a while, finds out that the Illuminati blasted Hulk off into space, and Tony Stark continues to be a dick when Jen calls him out on it.  The John Jameson marriage is finally dealt with, the Recorder thread is tied off, Stu Cicero comes back after a brief stop in Duckworld (WTF?), and the running gag about She-Hulk sleeping with Juggernaut is finally resolved.  (It was an alternate universe She-Hulk if you cared. I didn’t.)

Rick Burchett, a deserving Eisner Award winner for his work on the Timm-style Batman Adventures titles, makes a far poorer showing here.  His work would be well suited for humor if it was...better. It’s no good.

It's a funny visual, but the execution is lacking.

Not bad, but again, could be better.  Shulkie's pose is too static.

Regret buying? Yes
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Boring

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