Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Silver Surfer

Silver Surfer 4
A classic cover by John Buscema.

The issue itself is full of much Stan Lee ado about nothing.  Loki constructs the most byzantine plot he can to kill Thor, eventually tricking Surfer into attacking the Thunder God.  Loki Iago’s his dupes into conflict, magically whispering his poisons into their ears. When Surfer realizes he’s been manipulated, Loki teleports him back to Earth.  End of issue. Sooooo after all that, everybody ends up as they started, none the wiser. While most comics end with the status quo maintained, this one feels egregiously pointless.  If the goal was to show a Thor/Surfer fight with no consequences, why waste all that time on setup? Why leave only 6 pages for the fight? Good thing it was so pretty.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Fine

Silver Surfer 1-2
Moebius draws the Silver Surfer, thus providing the impetus for this classic scene.  

I have very little exposure to Moebius’ work.  This might actually be the only thing of his that I have in my collection.  From what I’ve seen, I’m a fan. His reputation might, in fact, be well earned. In defiance of Denzel, I prefer him to Kirby on this character. 



As I read these two issues, I could not believe that Stan Lee wrote it.  It lacks his signature flair, and there was an economy and elegance to his words that I had not seen from him before.  On top of that, his story about blindly following leaders still rings true thirty years later. Even if it is a bit too on the nose.  It have been too much to expect Stan to change completely.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Fine

Silver Surfer 75
A very early addition to my comic collection.  This one gets a Major Feels rating, I can’t measure it objectively.  This issue’s a well executed fight sequence with beautiful art by Ron Lim.  He was at his best on this title. Tom Vincent’s colors have a lot to do with it too.  

A kaleidoscope of colors, perfect for a cosmic title.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Major Feels

Silver Surfer 123
I think I bought this because it was Ron Garney’s next stop after his first stint with Mark Waid on Captain America.  He does an amazing Surfer, very reminiscent of Moebius’. But the plot bores, and I’m not sorry that I stopped with this issue.

So smooth, so graceful.
Not from the issue, but I find it gorgeous.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Fine

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