Monday, May 21, 2018

Deadpool 2, Soule She-Hulk

Deadpool 2
Way better than I expected.  I felt the first movie was fine, but not the revelation that many made it out to be.  Sure, the R-rating gave it an edge, and paved the way for Logan. Ryan Reynolds absolutely embodied Deadpool, and wisecracked to perfection.  But that was about it. I didn’t want to discuss it with anyone, I didn’t need to watch it again.

The things that I want to discuss and watch the sequel again for:
Domino is amazing!  Zazie Beetz owns this movie, and she needs a solo movie as much as Black Widow and Shuri and Nakia and Okoye.  

She absolutely owns it.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Yukio require a movie of their own as well.

Hi Yukio!

Baby legs.  I have not laughed that hard in a movie in a very long time.  

The post-credit sequence.  Pure movie making magic.

The Rob Liefeld dig.  I think I was the only person in the theatre who laughed.  

Regret watching?  No
Would watch again?  Yes
Would buy? Yes
Rating: Pretty good

She-Hulk 1-12
By the way, I decided to cut issues 7-22 of the last volume of She-Hulk.  Everything post Bobillo’s last issue. Bobillo!

Charles Soule and Javier Pulido fulfill the promise made by Dan Slott’s run.  It’s fun, goofy, and has solid heart at its core. It focuses on the legal quirks created by superheroing while mixing in the action when appropriate.  Pulido’s art shines. It’s everything that I want out of She-Hulk.

Things that I liked:
The shot of She-Hulk and the little girl in the corner.  Stuff like this warms my heart.

Representation and role models are important.

Angie Huang and Hei Hei are amazing.  Who are they???

Also love that everyone's looking at a screen in the bottom panel.

Add Soule to the list of people who know how to write Doom and Doombots with the proper bluster, ego, and megalomania.  

Kevin Wada is such a better choice for cover artist than Greg Land.  His She-Hulk is powerful and attractive without sexualizing her.





Normally, this would be horrible word balloon placement, but I really dig the crossing arrows.  

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Pretty good

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