Wednesday, May 16, 2018


She-Hulk 5-12
What a difference an artist makes.  Paul Pelletier draws six of these issues, and they coincide with a significant drop in my enjoyment levels.  Bobillo’s return for issues 6 and 7 only served to accentuate the change in quality. Pelletier is fine, but his style is too conventional after the goofy joy of his predecessor’s art.  

That last panel, in particular, would have been so much better under Bobillo's pencil.

So much better!  Plus Slott's wordplay.  "Cosmic deity with no gaeity!"  Hee!

Look at this next sequence.  There’s no way Pelletier could have pulled it off.  The matter-of-factness of the baby dangling between its parents!  The confident certainty of She-Hulk’s judgment followed by its faster-than-expected implementation!  I love it so much.

The stories aren’t as funny with the more traditional pencils, though no art is necessary for Reed Richards’ excellent, “Ben, please.  There’s no place for sexism in the realm of empirical science.” Too true.

The reduction in humor and cleverness may also be a consequence in the change of story direction; After focusing on quirky superhero law for the first four issues, Slott introduces Southpaw, the petulant juvenile delinquent granddaughter of Holden Holloway, head of Jen’s law firm.  Ostensibly intended to provide She-Hulk with an avenue towards maturity, Southpaw proves herself to be nothing more than a nuisance that I wish would go away. (Which she does in the final issue.)

The last three issues provide the origin story for Titania and an extended fight scene between her and She-Hulk.  I probably would have loved it if Bobillo had drawn it, but such was not the case.

As if in direct response to my plot hole quibbling yesterday, Slott takes on the haters in issue 12 through Stu Cicero.  “Continuity! When I was growing up, if fans found a conflict in continuity they didn’t try to trash it or tear it down! They looked at all the pieces and tried to come up with a solution!”  Color me chastised.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes for 7 and 8, No for the rest.
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Pretty good for 7 and 8, Fine for the rest.

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