Sunday, May 20, 2018

New Avengers, Civil War: The Initiative, New Avengers Annual, New Avengers: Illuminati

New Avengers 26-37, Civil War: The Initiative, New Avengers Annual 2, New Avengers: Illuminati 1-5
Volume 3 of Bendis’ New Avengers.  I read this a couple of weeks ago on a business trip, but never got around to reviewing it.  

Bendis rectifies his “I want to make a big splash with my first Avengers story” mistake and resurrects Hawkeye.  Clint’s first order of business is to find Wanda, who served as both his executioner and his resurrector. The result is some of the most beautiful Alex Maleev art I’ve ever seen.  His Wanda is jaw-droppingly stunning.

Clearly Klimt-inspired.
Gustav Klimt - The Kiss

I’m not sure what sleeping with her (even (or especially (yes, triple nested parantheticals)) if she has no memory of her time on the Avengers) says about Clint’s psyche, but I like that he doesn’t either. The ambiguity of his feelings is clearly on his face at the end of the issue.

This is the volume where Bendis reveals his long buildup to the Skrull Secret Invasion, with Elektra as the catalyst.  But really - How many times did Yu need to reference her classic death?

At least two.

"And for my next trick..."
It’s also where Bendis elevates The Hood to major player.  The Hood feels oddly familiar, and although I can’t name another example, I feel like Bendis has done the whole “uber-confident ‘I have a grand plan and everyone should listen to me’” gang leader schtick many other times.  As such, Hood doesn’t feel unique to me. It’s still effective, though. His brutalization of Tigra is honestly scary and disturbing.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Nice (Really good for issue 26)

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