Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Moon Knight

Moon Knight

Well, it happened.  Marvel put out a flat out boring tv show.  It's not just boring (which it was), this was bad.  Let’s get the good stuff out of the way, because it wasn’t devoid of moments:

Oscar Isaac is a great actor.  I’m not a fan of his depiction of Steven Grant, but the acting is well done.

“Are you an Egyptian superhero?”  Representation matters.

Marc’s abusive mother.  Horribly painful to watch, but the wretched realness of it was the best part of the show.  

I think that’s it.  

Everything else comes down on the not-good side of the balance sheet.  The CGI on the Moon Knight costumes didn’t look real, there were no fun action scenes, the Ammit storyline (ooh, someone else who wants to kill off most of the world) was a snoozefest, Ethan Hawke was wasted, Steven Grant is a dolt (he’s basically Oliver from season 4 of Coupling.  That bad.), the lighting for half of the show was Battle of Winterfell unwatchable, and I’m not doing this anymore.

I heard rumors of a season two.  I don’t know why.  For the first time, here’s an MCU character that I don’t want to see again or wonder how they’re going to interact w/ the rest of the cast.  

  1. Hawkeye

  2. Wandavision

  3. Loki

  4. Falcon and Winter Soldier

  5. Moon Knight

Regret watching: No 

Would watch again: No

Would buy on DVD: No

Rating: Boring

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