Thursday, May 12, 2022

Daredevil: End of Days

Daredevil: End of Days 1-8

The rare “this can’t really be this bad, can it?” series.  Daredevil dies in a fight w/ Bullseye, and says one word before he dies: “Mapone.”  Ben Urich spends the next seven and a half issues on a quest to discover the Rosebud-esque meaning of the word, giving Brian Michael Bendis a chance to create epilogues for all the supporting characters in DD’s life.  Some occasionally gorgeous art by Bill Sienkiewicz, David Mack, and Klaus Janson isn’t enough to save this piece of crap writing job that really serves no purpose.  (It turns out Matt’s self-appointed successor to the DD mantle is Timothy, Urich’s adopted son from the “Wake Up” arc early in Bendis’ run.  Makes no sense.  Also, Mapone turns out to be Matt’s daughter w/ Black Widow, and Timothy’s new mentor.  O…kay…)

I’m keeping this around out of a desperate hope that when I read this again years in the future, I’ll find something that I’m flat out missing this time around.  Future me may curse present me for doing this to him.  I’m sorry in advance.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Stupid

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