Wednesday, May 4, 2022


Daredevil 39-50

This next chunk of Brian Michael Bendis/Alex Maleev Daredevil (with a splash of Manuel Gutierrez and Terry Dodson) is as good as the previous one.  The White Tiger trial happens, Milla Donovan makes her debut, the Owl, Typhoid Mary, Bullseye, and Kingpin get their asses kicked.

It's one of their many superpowers.

It's one of Matt's superpowers.

Yes, Matt.  You are the asshole.

Love how Maleev composed this page.

Typhoid Mary is an awesome character.

And Milla thought the first date went poorly.

Sometimes that's all there is to it.

A nice reveal with the silent splash.

It’s executed to perfection.  Bendis is on absolute fire in this period of his career.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

Daredevil 51-55

David Mack returns to take Echo on a vision quest.  The ethereal, dreamlike mood is perfect for Mack’s art style and meandering writing.  And of course, it’s beautiful beyond compare.

Mack knows how to use his blues.

Creative depiction of Logan's skeleton.


Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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