Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Bendis Daredevil

Daredevil 26-38

This is basically a novel in comic book form.  Each issue flows into the next with no real cliffhangers; It works so much better in one sitting than in monthly doses.  I’m so happy that I can read it as such.  

If I remember right, this and Ultimate Spider-Man are Bendis’ first major Marvel works, and it’s got that “I’ve got something to prove to the world” energy.  This is phenomenal stuff, and it flies along despite (or because of) all the brilliant Bendis dialogue.  It’s so readable.  Along with Alex Maleev’s art (perfect for this story), the result is addictive to say the least.

Foggy speaking truth to power.

An exact copy of the finale of West Wing season 2

Natasha's great.

Watch out, Matt.  The last time these two got together, they ruined your engagement.

We've all had ex-moments like this.

Natasha's great.

Luke doesn't miss a beat.

So why doesn’t this get the highest rating?  I’m not exactly sure.  Maybe because “the world finds out Matt Murdock is Daredevil” has been done at least twice before.  (“Born Again” and “Fall from Grace” spring to mind.)  Maybe it’s a little unsavory that Matt’s in straight up denial mode.  It’s understandable, but the audacity of the mendacity is a little off-putting.  It’s not like Matt hasn’t always been a bit of a dick, but that’s probably the best reason I can give for the slightly lower rating.  

Also, come to think of it, Bendis will later reveal Superman’s identity to the world as well.  This one makes a lot more sense.

All the underworld stuff with the Kingpin, Silke, and Vanessa is top notch.  Criminal intrigue done right.  (Bendis writes Silke with exactly the same voice as he does the Hood, all ambition, braggadocio, and the undeniable ability to bite off more than he can chew.  It’s great to watch him get his comeuppance.)

Can’t wait to keep reading.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

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