Thursday, May 12, 2022


Daredevil 111-119, 500

Ed Brubaker ends his run on a relatively high note.  The introduction of Lady Bullseye injects some energy into the story.  By the end of everything, Daredevil’s life has hit yet another trough.  He’s fucked things up by sleeping w/ Dakota North, making a deal with the Kingpin, and taking on the mantle of leadership with The Hand.  It’s all pretty well executed by Brubaker, but I’m thoroughly tired of the never ending cycle of fall from grace->redemption that seems to be the only story writers can come up with for both Matt Murdock and Wilson Fisk.  Even Job only had to go through it once.  

So annoyed that he spells the same word two ways in the span of two pages.

Kingpin in a Totoro moment.

Truer words...

Still, not a bad run.  I’d have liked it better if it didn’t come on the heels of Brian Michael Bendis.  But it’s certainly better than what’s to come…

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Dark Reign: The List - Daredevil

Daredevil 501-512

Shadowland 1-5

Andy Diggle takes over as writer.  I kept buying this because of his track record with The Losers.  I don’t know whether to blame him, the editor, or the powers that be at Marvel, but turning Matt Murdock to the dark side was a bad idea.  First of all, it was done better by Bendis just a little while ago when Matt declared himself Kingpin of Hell’s Kitchen.  Secondly, this this time around Matt’s actually possessed by an evil Hand demon, which takes all of the agency out of his hands.  Breaking bad is far less interesting when the conflict can be attributed to external sources.  Plus, the resolution is completely unsatisfying - All it takes is a single Iron Fist punch and a psychic visit from Elektra.  Meh.  It’s not horrible, but it’s not what I’m looking for.  I’ll cut this and never think about it again.

Roberto De La Torre's art isn't bad at all.

Foggy gets a Sam Gamgee moment.

I'm not a fan.

My mind immediately goes to...

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Didn’t suck

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