Sunday, May 29, 2022


Authority 1-12

This is about as good as you can get if you’re looking for a summer blockbuster in comic book form, which is just what Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch were going for.  (Kudos to Hitch for doing twelve full issues on schedule.)

Ellis loves his Carrier captions

On the other hand, there’s a ceiling to how much of a satisfying meal you can get out of empty calories.  I’m not complaining at all, this is as fun as I remember it to be (it’s aged a lot better than Ellis’ Stormwatch), but it doesn’t make it to the very top tiers of my collection.

You make your intentions perfectly clear when you crib...

...from the quintessential popcorn widescreen blow-em-up.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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