Friday, May 20, 2022


Freakangels 1-3

As much as I love Warren Ellis’ writing, it’s not like I pick up everything that he does.  Freakangels probably wouldn’t have made it into my collection if I hadn’t found the first two trades for half off.  (I love used bookstores!)  The hook (twelve kids with powers destroy London and now live in the post-apocalyptic world that they’ve created) wasn’t enough to catch me the first time around, but I’ll definitely try out Ellis at fifty percent off.

This is a really low key series.  Sure, stuff is always happening, but it manages to keep a slice-of-life feel to it the entire time.  While I’m enjoying the read, I’m also left thinking, “Okay, so what?”

Definite credit to Ellis and artist Paul Duffield for managing to keep twelve(!) main characters distinctive and distinguishable.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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