Saturday, May 21, 2022


Freakangels 4-6

I read almost all of volume 6 before I realized that I’d skipped the fifth trade.  Sure, there were a few things that I found confusing, but I chalked it up to things that happened off panel.  Going back to read the missing volume, it does indeed to be mostly setup for the climax.  (Still worth reading, though.)  Said ending is both very anime and not - There are huge, bright explosions that cover the whole country.  But this time around, they repair all of the previous damage instead of destroying everything.  

This was a fun read, I was never bored.  But the ending is very much of the “life goes on” variety.  Everything leading up it is all sound and fury as the twelve Freakangels bitch and moan about their interpersonal dramas.  Diverting enough, but as they acknowledge themselves, they need to grow the hell up and act like adults, which they finally do at the end.  Not Warren Ellis’ best, and I wouldn’t buy it again, but I’m not unhappy to own it.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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