Thursday, March 31, 2022

Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing 55-64

DC Comics Presents 85

The Swamp Thing in space bit is generally a massive downgrade from the first 75% of Alan Moore’s run.  (It’s also clearly the inspiration for the “Stars My Destination” arc in Starman, also the weak stretch of that comic.)

There's a huge Ray Bradbury vibe to this issue, with the isolation, the beautiful imagery, and the alien landscapes.

That blue husk will show up in Starman.

I was just thinking that Moore had toned down the horror aspects of the comic when I came to this page...

Medphyl will show up in Starman as well.

This plant body horror is so gross.

This is a fascinating issue that doesn't quite achieve what it's trying to accomplish.

Simultaneously touching and gross as hell.  Nice writing debut for Stephen Bissette.

Swamp Thing’s vengeance on those who exiled him from Earth has a definite Sandman vibe.  All of his kills have a very Morpheus feel to them.  (Though it’s really the other way around.)

Corinthian inspiration?  Gaiman got so much from Moore.

The ending is completely anti-climactic, and despite everything that Alec and Abby have gone through, feels unearned.  I think a lot of that has to do with the art.  Rick Veitch just isn’t as good as Steve Bissette and John Totleben.

Everything is wrong on this page.

This is how you do a romantic last page with these two.

As a whole, the first half of the run is far superior to the second.  I’d probably re-buy it all if it burned down in a fire, but I’d start with just the first couple of trades until I was hit with the urge to read the rest.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: A wide range from Good (the Blue Planet), Pretty good (Abby’s father, the revenge issue, and the Superman team up), Fine (the last issue), Boring (the Rick Veitch-penned fill-in), and Nice (all the rest).  

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