Saturday, March 19, 2022


Batman/Hellboy/Starman 1-2

A completely random crossover.  No idea why this exists.  It’s amusing, but nothing more.  Mike Mignola continues to not be the draw for me that he is for many others.  That said, I do appreciate little touches like a random iguana showing up apropos of nothing.

Seriously, what's it doing there?

Hellboy apparently only has one move...

Love the nonchalance.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Starman 41

The last above average issue of Starman for a while.  Matt O’Dare and the Shade ensure that the former’s criminal past will never come to light, through assassination and pointed conversations.  I’ve always like the O’Dare part of this comic, so this was a welcome issue.  The ending is particularly (and I'm sure intentionally) Casablanca.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Starman 42-53, 1000000

Jack heads off into space to search for the Starman Will Payton.  James Robinson kills any momentum he has going into the stupid long arc by peppering his departure with three “Times Past” issues in five months.  On the other hand, I’m not complaining about a Gene Ha appearance:

Tony Harris leaves the title with issue 45, and while his replacement, Peter Snejbjerg, is quite talented, the style of art just isn’t suited to the aesthetics of the comic.  I do appreciate the Man of Steel homage, though:

It's sad how proud I am of making the connection.

I originally quit buying this series in the middle of the “Stars My Destination” arc.  It lasts way too long (I’m still not done reading as of this writing…) and isn’t nearly interesting enough.  It misses all the energy and propulsive force of the early issues.  Jack and Mikaal are just bouncing from one adventure to the next, and while each of them sets up future stories in the title, it all feels mechanical and by the numbers at this point.  I do love the Alfred Bester book it takes its title from:

Gully Foyle is my name

And Terra is my nation.

Deep space is my dwelling place,

The stars my destination.

I think it gets better after they return to Earth, if I remember correctly; I came back after a few issues for the Grand Guignol (which also took forever).

If I wasn’t a completionist, I wouldn’t buy these again, but since the beginning is so good and the ending was decent…

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice to Fine

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