Thursday, March 31, 2022

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

New comics!

Magic Order 2 6

The good guys win in extremely easy fashion.  An entertaining enough series, but completely forgettable.  I’ll most likely be skipping the next iteration.

Dark Ages 6

A surprisingly un-epic ending.  As big boss battles go, it feels awfully slight.  No one (except for the bad guys) even dies, which is odd considering how unsqueamish Tom Taylor is about killing beloved heroes.  He could have done with a better artist than Iban Coello, who has a Roger Cruz flavor to his work.

Captain Marvel 37

Kelly Thompson is so good at these between-arc issues where Carol decompresses and gets a chance to hang out with her friends.  Sadly, the next arc doesn’t look that interesting; I’m not interested in Binary, the latest in a long line of “naive, innocent characters learning about life with the help of her friends.”  I’ll give it a few issues, but I’m getting close to cutting this title.  

Batman: Beyond the White Knight 1

Some great setup from Sean Murphy as he kicks off the third installment of his White Knight books.  Looking forward to the rest of this.  Also, I should read the comic of his that I Kickstarted…

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1-6

“Rollicking good time” is the phrase that comes to mind.  Alan Moore clearly has a blast writing these.  There’s too much savage glee in all of the fake ads, they’re absolutely hilarious.  Oh, and the story itself is excellent as well.

I enjoy the first two volumes of LoEG so much more than the others because I recognize the characters and the plots are a lot more straightforward.  Sometimes simpler is better.  (By the way, speaking of things that I won’t finish, I don’t have high hopes for From Hell, coming up in just a few days.)

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

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