Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Spider-Man: No Way Home

Spider-Man: No Way Home

I finally got to watch this!  This is probably the most emotionally draining MCU movie thus far.  Peter really gets put through the ringer in this one, and the deaths and losses hit home with a weight that doesn’t exist in the other films.  (Not a knock on them, this one just does it way better.)  A lot of it has to do with Tom Holland’s superb acting; His pain and grief are palpable in a way that feels far more real.  

Let’s get this out of the way: So much of the plot needs to be disbelieved.  It completely failed my wife’s threshold for character stupidity, and I can’t blame her.  Everyone here needs to behave like an idiot for any of this to happen;  Peter’s stupid for wanting to cast the spell, Dr Strange is stupid for casting it without getting the details, May’s stupid for asking Peter to help all the villains, Peter’s stupid for doing it, the plan is stupid because even after they’re fixed, the bad guys are just going to be sent back to the moment of their deaths, regardless of their new states of being.  

But so much of it can be forgiven because this movie is so darn good once the setups are in place.

Things I liked:

I didn’t care for Willem Dafoe in the original Spider-Man trilogy, but he’s amazing here.  He completely bucks the “generic MCU bad guy” problem.  He’s legit terrifying and effective.  He kills May, for crying out loud!  And how he keeps that manic grin on his face as Peter punches the hell out of him. 

So great to see Alfred Molina back as Doctor Octopus.  He’s a huge reason why Spider-Man 2 is so beloved by me, both as a bad guy and as the fatherly mentor to Peter Parker.

Because the conflict is so personal, it actually made for an excellent final fight, with no CGI creatures in sight.  (I’m not counting Sandman.)  Perhaps the best final fight since Civil War?  (Well, Endgame, but I’m not counting that either, it still exists on a completely different tier.)

The Spidey-bros.  The interaction between the three Peter Parkers is some of the most delightful fan service I’ve ever experienced.  Note perfect in every way, I couldn’t have asked for more.  And I love that the Peters are just as happy to be hanging out, all supportive and accepting of each other.  Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire are phenomenal revisiting these roles.  “I have the tingle thing, just not for bread.”  Their chatting scene on the Statue of Liberty!

How does Zendaya come across as the most perfect person in the history of the world?  I don’t know, but I can’t get enough of her.  Highlights include the look she gives Peter on the school roof right before they (don’t) kiss, throwing the rolls as Peter 3, her comforting Peter on the bridge after May dies, their sunrise farewell, and her final scene in the diner.  

Peter’s delighted giggle when he takes control of Doc Ock’s tentacles.

May’s death scene.  Holland sells the crap out of it.

The scene on the bridge with the three Spidey’s.  So much shared pain.  So similar to the equally effective scene in Into the Spiderverse.  Here are the only people in the world who really do know what he’s going through.

Charlie Cox’s cameo.  “I’m a really good lawyer.”  

This is how you keep two people apart.  I absolutely hated the end of the first Tobey Maguire Spider-Man, his rejection of Mary Jane’s love pissed me off to no end.  But Peter’s sacrifice here feels more unavoidable and necessary.  So even though it broke my heart to watch him leave Ned and MJ alone, I at least understood why he made that decision.  (It also helps that Tom Holland and Zendaya are together IRL, so at least they’re happy in this reality.)

Things I didn’t like:

All the plot stupidness.

This really is an emotionally intense film.  It legitimately makes rewatching the whole thing difficult.

Regret watching: No

Would watch again: Yes

Would buy on DVD: Yes

Rating: Really good

  1. Avengers: Endgame

  2. Captain America: Civil War

  3. Captain America: Winter Soldier

  4. Spider-Man: No Way Home

  5. Ant Man/Wasp

  6. Avengers: Infinity War

  7. Shang-Chi

  8. Black Panther

  9. Captain America: First Avenger

  10. Spider-Man: Homecoming

  11. Avengers

  12. Avengers: Age of Ultron

  13. Spider-Man: Far From Home

  14. Thor 3

  15. Iron Man 2

  16. Black Widow

  17. Captain Marvel

  18. Ant-Man

  19. Iron Man 1

  20. Iron Man 3

  21. Doctor Strange

  22. Eternals

  23. Guardians 1

  24. Guardians 2

  25. Thor

  26. Hulk

  27. Thor 2

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