Friday, March 25, 2022

Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing 21-27

Here we go, Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing!  I’ve always liked this, but I don’t think I’ve read it all the way through more than two, maybe three times.  I’ve spoken in the past about the massive gap between good Moore and bad Moore (really not looking forward to From Hell in the next couple of weeks…).  This is best Moore.  Pair it with Stephen Bissette and John Totleben (one of the best penciller/inker combos ever) and you’ve got one of the classic comic runs.

God, the level of detail in the faces.

They're incredibly haunting.

And effing terrifying.

The detail!!!

It took a second for me to realize the second panel was the fly's eye.  So good.

It all starts with a massive retcon, and an absolutely brilliant one at that, a complete paradigm shift:

So good.

Then Jason Woodrue goes insane when he tries to tap into the Green and goes Kid Miracleman on some towns in Louisiana.  (Moore does love wrecking his cities.) 

Love that last line.

The first trade finishes up with the creepy-ass Monkey King who feeds off of fear.  The ending w/ the kid overcoming his terror is a little trite, but at least we’ve got Anton Arcane coming up…

I'll come back to this when I get to Sandman.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pure Joy (21) to Really good (22-24) to Good (25-27)

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