Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Powers: Bureau

Powers: Bureau 1-12

And here is where Brian Michael Bendis completely loses me with Powers.  Everything just seems so pointless.  Here he gives the reader a super sperm villain (really) and the FBI turns out to be the bad guys in a massive government conspiracy.  Bendis has definitely been going somewhere this entire time, but none of it matters, at least to me.  I just don’t care about these people at all.  There are another two trades after this, but I won’t be partaking.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Updated box summary finishing up the Powers box

Box Summary

Time spent reading: 2 hours, 27 minutes

Issues read: 22

Issues cut: 0

Highlights (Good or better): None

Project Summary:

Time spent reading: 48 days, 12 hours, 37 minutes

Issues read: 10169

Issues cut: 1094

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