Sunday, December 5, 2021


Spider-Woman 1-7

Oh my god the art on this.  Alex Maleev is always good, but he’s on another level here.  It’s the colors - He’s coloring himself, and it brings the art to an entirely different level.  The only other instance I can find where he’s colored himself is here,

Storywise, Brian Michael Bendis writes Jessica Drew the same way he writes Jessica Jones, as a completely capable woman who’s drowning in problems that she can barely handle, winging it from moment to moment in a desperate struggle to stay sane.  It’s like Born Again, only without going over the edge.  

God, the colors.  I can’t recall the last time a comic’s floored me this way with colors.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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