Thursday, December 30, 2021

Aaron Thor

Original Sin: Thor and Loki 5.2-5.5

I’m still not a fan of Angela retconned as Thor’s sister.  (How did she make it to the Marvel universe again?)  It’s completely random and makes no sense.  But if you’re going to do it, you could do far worse than Jason Aaron and Al Ewing’s effort here.  Secret tenth realm populated by cutthroat mercenary flying amazons?  Sure, I'm in.  

Hard to argue...

I’ve already expressed my appreciation for Angela over in Guardians, and this sets her up for her solo title.  (Written by Marguerite Bennett.  Still been meaning to check it out…)  Loki does some nice scheming, fitting in quite well with the double crossing angels.  

I like funny Loki.

Thor bashes things with his hammer (“Thor smash” seems to be Aaron’s unofficial motto for his run.).  Odin returns.  

Only including this because Lee Garbett's channeling a lot of Shawn McManus and Darick Robertson here.

All in all, a fun little tie in series for an event that I had zero interest in reading.  But I’ve already gone and ebayed the missing first issue for this title.  It’s good enough to complete, and I’d buy it again.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Thor: God of Thunder 25

Aaron finishes up this series before rebooting for Lady Thor with a story anthology that doesn’t bring much to the table - Malekith’s meh origin, a tease for the return of Laufey, and a glimpse of the new Thor.  Skippable if it wasn’t part of what’s been an excellent run for Aaron.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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