Friday, December 24, 2021

Simonson Thor, New comics

New comics!

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow 6

More often than not, Tom King issues follow a similar pattern: It always takes a few pages to set up the premise, where it’s hard for me to figure out how it ties into the main thrust of the series.  It’s like warming up a cold engine, I’m not sure if it’s actually going to get started or sputter out.  Almost always, the car roars to life, and this time is no exception.  Supergirl continues to be one of the best new series I’ve read in a long, long time.  This time around, King describes the destruction of Argo City and how it affected Kara starting from a very young age.  It brings harsh details to a period of time that’s always been glossed over in the past, and it’s a harrowing story.  So top notch.

Jupiter’s Legacy: Requiem 6

Mark Millar continues to kill off just about every single good guy in this universe with no hesitation.  I will very likely have to re-read this just to refresh my memory when the final volume kicks off next spring.

Batman/Catwoman 9

Sigh, Liam Sharp has got this Bill Sienkiewicz vibe going on that doesn’t suck, but just isn’t a match for the preceding Clay Mann issues.  Also, this still feels like filler.

Nightwing 87

The much-anticipated 22-page-long single-panel issue.  Bruno Redondo hits this out of the park.  The story itself is rather slight, but it’s completely understandable given the high concept.  Super fun.  

Thor 373-374

Thor helps out X-Factor during the Mutant Massacre.  Hela reveals the curse she’s laid on Thor: Brittle bones that won’t heal, plus the inability to die.  As curses go, it’s pretty good.  Sal Buscema continues to provide completely adequate art.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine

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