Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Simonson Thor

Thor 354-360

This is a really hard comic to read when there’s something on tv.  (It’s been How I Met Your Mother for the last couple of days.)  There are just so many words to process, and the sum of those words form a story that’s surprisingly not as interesting as I remember from previous reads.  Lorelai’s machinations are achingly boring, Sif and Beta Ray Bill should just kiss already, and the Titanium Man arc feels like total filler.  

Still, it’s not without its moments:

80's Marvel comics love their New Jersey digs.

Love Simonson's choice w/ Loki's feet, it's absolutely absurd.

What an amazing pose on such a tiny panel.

Thor's totally the kind of guy to get into a snow fight with some kids.

Simonson draws a great lovestruck, dopey Thor.

Spectacular effect on the returning hammer.

Let’s see if the upcoming Hel invasion, with the classic Skurge ending, still holds up like I remember.  I should also try reading without something playing on the screen…

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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