Thursday, December 23, 2021

Simonson Thor

Thor 367-372

Ugh, Walt Simonson stops drawing, and Sal Buscema takes over.  Buscema’s…fine.  And the gap between their art skills magnifies Simonson’s writing shortcomings as well.  These stories are random side quests (Baldur getting sidetracked on the way to his coronation, Thor meeting up with a Judge Dredd knockoff (Justice Peace.  Ugh.), and a horrendous fill in issue).  I’d totally cut these if I didn’t know better things are on the way.  (As long as my memory doesn’t fail me.)

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes (No for 370-372)

Rating: Fine (367-369), Disliked (370), Stupid (371-372)

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