Thursday, December 2, 2021

Secret Avengers, Shang-Chi

Secret Avengers 6-12

I thought that introducing Shang-Chi to the mix and getting off of Mars would give Ed Brubaker a chance to reset and get back on track.  Also, Mike Deodato drawing awesome martial arts battles sounded like a no-brainer.  

Alas, no.  More mystical BS as the Shadow Council tries to bring Shang-Chi’s father back to life.  And on top of that, Deodato doesn’t have his usual stuff here.  

And apparently Shang-Chi is sexist as well.

And final insult to injury, Brubaker spends two whole issues on a John Steele flashback.  Who’s John Steele?  Good question, I have no idea.  Some super-soldier from the past whom I’ve already forgotten.  Sigh.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine

Shang-Chi 1-5

By coincidence, this series that comes nine years after that Secret Avengers story is almost a direct sequel, referencing both the death of Shang-Chi’s father (again), and the Eyes of the Dragon, the MacGuffin.  

I really wanted this to be better than it was.  I had high hopes for writer Gene Luen Yang, but this is the equivalent of the generic, grainy 70’s kung fu flick that’s indistinguishable from the hundreds of other ones out there.  

I can't not read this with Adam Driver's voice:

Best moment from the comics.

Still looking for that killer Shang-Chi comic, ‘cause I’d read the crap out of it.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine

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