Thursday, December 23, 2021

Simonson Thor

Thor 361-366

Okay, way less sleepy, and not nearly as distracted by the tv this time.  High ratings for this batch today.  Coincidence?  I actually don’t know.  

Skurge’s last stand on the bridge is as epic as I remember.  Walt Simonson tells the story with the perfect mix of art and narration.


And then comes THOR FROG!!!  THOR FROG!!!  Could anyone but Simonson have come up with the idea, or executed it as well?

Thus the foes indeed.

Frog flirting!  Love his frog expressions.

AmEx?  Such an odd reference.

So cute!

So absurd.

Always loved the mirror covers.

Some other highlights:

So much energy on the page.

Totally reminded me of...

...this art by Bill Sienkiewicz

Simonson loves drawing the bottom of Loki's feet post-Thor hit.

363 is a Secret Wars II tie in, not as good.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good (362), Pretty good (361, 364-366), Nice (363)

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