Thursday, December 30, 2021

Aaron Thor

Thor: God of Thunder 19-24

Future Thor fights Galactus over the husk of Earth.  It’s insanely awesome, with appearances by the granddaughters of Thor and All-Black the Necrosword.  Esad Ribic draws the hell out of this, with amazing colors from Ive Svorcina.    

So imposing.

Great job conveying scale.

Present Thor and Roz Solomon begin their battle against Roxxon and The Minotaur.  Broxton is destroyed in the process, and the Asgardians decide to fly their city away from Earth.  As always, corporations prove themselves to be the lowest of villains, to the point where it’s not that fun to read.  It’s too real for the escapist schemes and plots that I generally look for in comics.  

"I so wish!"  Aww.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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