Monday, December 13, 2021

Simonson Thor

Thor 337-340

Here we go, a 120-ish issue run of Thor comics!  Basically the Walt Simonson run followed by the Jason Aaron run.  I’m looking forward to this.

We start with the introduction of Beta Ray Bill, perhaps Simonson’s finest contribution to comics.  

In the running for best cover ever.

Six pages into the first issue and I couldn’t believe how in love I was with Simonson’s bold, unique style.  It’s a whole different level of energy compared to what he would bring years later with Ragnarok.  Here, clearly, is a young artist eager to show the world what he can do.  This dude’s got game, and he’s not holding back.  (Looked it up, he was actually 37 when he started this run.)

Those massive kneepads!

Looks.  So.  Good.

Crackles with energy.  And I love those next issue titles.

Odin completely ignores the question.

This is very much an Eighties Marvel comic, with lots of talking, multiple subplots, and teases that will take months, if not years, to resolve.  Simonson gets these off to a rollicking start, especially with the now-classic “DOOM!” runner through each of these issues.

What a way to start his run.

LOTS of talking.  But genuinely funny.

This is going to be a blast.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

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