Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The Harder They Fall

The Harder They Fall

I don’t watch many westerns, but this is everything that I want in one.  Amazing gunfights, showdowns, crazy emotional twist at the end (which should have been obvious to me but wasn’t).  

It’s a great thing when every actor here is an all-star, even the ones that I don’t recognize.  The cast is perfect, and it gives me hope that Jonathan Majors isn’t going to shit the bed as Kang.  (God, I hope he changes his acting choices after that episode of Loki…)  Idris Elba is his usual awesome self, as is Regina King.  Zazie Baetz is two for two in my book after Deadpool 2.  And this time I got major Zendaya vibes from her, which is only good since Zendaya is the greatest person in the world.  

I need to watch this again.

Regret watching: No

Would watch again: Yes

Would buy on DVD: Yes

Rating: Good

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