Saturday, March 17, 2018

Bendis Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy 8-10, 14-23
Three issues of the Trial of Jean Grey crossover with All-New X-Men accounts for the gap in this review.

I still don’t understand why Marvel felt the need to introduce Angela into their universe.  Lost sister of Thor? Meh.

Notwithstanding that fact, the only thing I want right now is a comic book starring Angela and Gamora rampaging across the galaxy.  Here are two comrades who meet cute beating the crap out of each other, realize they share a common interest, and then commence beating the crap out of the rest of the universe.  There’s a scene in issue ten where they pass the Bechdel Test in the most glorious fashion:

When Gamora is captured, it’s Angela who rescues her.

More please.  Apparently there was a solo Angela title for a while.  Maybe I’ll check it out.

Otherwise, the Guardians still leave me cold.  I’m entertained by their adventures, but I still don’t care about them.  Even the movies were more successful in making me feel empathy for these individuals, and you saw how low I ranked them.  And oh my god the waste of time that was the Venom symbiote arc. There are few comic characters that bore me more than Venom, and Bendis’ attempt to turn the Venom race into a supremely flawed version of the Green Lantern Corps did not change that opinion.  

Other things:

I agree with Rocket.  Excellent battlecry.

Lies!  She doesn’t appear in the issue at all!

The image of Peter posing as the coquettish ingenue cracks me up:

Aww, look at how shy he is with the gun behind his back

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Nice

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