Friday, October 15, 2021


Champions 1-18

Avengers 672-674

Mark Waid and Humberto Ramos, back together after their incomparable run on Impulse.  While Ramos’ art is even better, Waid’s stories are a little too old school for my taste, especially in the Avengers crossover.  “The team splits up into smaller teams to prevent the High Evolutionary from merging Earth with Counter-Earth.”  That’s a 70s plot if I’ve ever heard one.  

There are plenty of character moments and humor that are vintage Waid, and they keep this comic from dropping below the Nice line.  Waid writes a great Viv Vision (I really thought he killed her off!) and he brings a new dimension to Scott Summers that I’ve never seen before, explaining his inability to relax and how the Champions are actually a much better fit for him than the X-Men.

But I’m never going to think, “You know, what I really want to read right now is Champions.

Poor Kamala, always the mom of the group.

Viv's so good at cutting to the heart of the matter.

Trust falls always make me think of one thing.


Hulk never clicked for me on this run.

Ah, the eternal straight guy fantasy.

My cousin died last week at 36.  I can't imagine what her father is going through.

How will he choose to remember her?

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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