Sunday, October 10, 2021

Ultimate Galactus

Ultimate Nightmare 1-5

Warren Ellis writes what’s basically the Ultimate Galactus trilogy.  Here, the X-Men and Ultimates investigate the source of global nightmares and discover Ultimate Vision, sent to warn Earth of the coming of Gah Lak Tus.  It’s your basic “dungeon of superhuman horrors” scenario, an unnecessary appetizer for what’s to come.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Ultimate Secret 1-4

In part two, the Kree reveal themselves as observers sent to watch Earth’s demise at the ‘hands’ of Gah Lak Tus.  (I really hate the new name.)  The Ultimates and FF kick the crap out of them and get their hands on some intel that will hopefully provide them with some solutions to this world destroyer.  Ultimate Captain Marvel (the Kree one) and Captain Marvel (the Carol Danvers one) show up for the first time.  Some nice art by Tom Raney and Steve McNiven.

Ellis loves having his characters geek out over science.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Ultimate Extinction 1-5

The main event, though even the first four issues are prelude as everyone fights the Silver Surfers (awesomely alien) and devise their answers to Gah Lak Tus (Happiness mind bullets (lame) and firing the Big Bang of a baby universe at it (cooler, but the results are just as lame)).  At the end of the day, they force the World Eater to retreat, and that’s it.  It’s an abrupt, anti-climactic ending in the way that Warren Ellis stories often are.  It’s like he’s only interested in the big ideas, and doesn’t care at all about the human reactions to the aftermath.  

Still, everything up until the end is exciting and successfully builds up the tension.  Brandon Peterson is the best artist across these fourteen issues.  I love his and colorist Justin Posner’s otherworldly take on Surfer.

Nice touch with the rows of teeth.

Cap makes a valid point.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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