Sunday, October 3, 2021

Ultimates, Ultimate Wolverine v Hulk

Ultimate Wolverine v Hulk 1-6

The infamous series where the last four issues came out three years (!) after the first two.  Eleven years later, all is forgiven and forgotten.  I barely remembered the hiatus.  (Not that I really cared in the first place.  It’s not like this is Dark Knight Returns or something.)

Wolverine fights Hulk.  He gets ripped in half and decapitated.  It’s a fun action comic.  Some clever moments from Damon Lindelof, and Leinil Francis Yu can bring it.  

Egregious shirt popping open.  WTF.

Heh.  Lift the moon.

Can not go wrong with a panda spirit animal encounter.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Ultimates 3 1-5

The subtext becomes text when Jeph Loeb comes out and says that Pietro and Wanda’s is an incestuous relationship.  On top of that, Pietro’s got some serious mommy issues as well.

The story is completely serviceable.  Ultron sabotages the team, kills Wanda, Magneto gets involved, and Captain America dresses up as Black Panther for some unknown reason.  Okaaayyyy.

Joe Madureira’s art is amazing (I do wish he would do more Marvel work), but Christian Lichtner’s colors are horribly murky, completely washing out the gorgeous pencils.

Heh.  This came out in the three year gap between Wolverine v Hulk.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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