Sunday, October 17, 2021

Fraction Invincible Iron Man

Invincible Iron Man 1-7

The beginning of Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca’s run.  (I can’t remember how long Larroca sticks around for.)  I remember really liking this, but almost none of the details.  I know the Mandarin shows up, and this is where Pepper Potts becomes Rescue (so awesome!), but that’s about it.  

This first arc reads a lot like a continuation of Warren Ellis’ Extremis story.  (Even though a couple of years have passed IRL.)  Something about the tone and language sounds a lot like him.  Maybe it’s the banter of Ezekiel Stane.  It’s not a bad thing, it just doesn’t read like his Iron Fist or Hawkeye runs.  

Not a bad start, and Larroca’s art is pretty good too.  

Fraction's proves to be quite prescient on a couple of issues. 

And this is a really neat idea.

Which is why I was stunned to see him think that China's in charge of Taiwan.

And there's no chance it was a mistake, because he does it again in the next issue.

He does write a legit funny Spidey.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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