Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Jupiter's Legacy, New comics

New comics!

Swing vol. 4

Top Cow’s line of erotic comics continue to impress.  By focusing on the very real-feeling relationships (which organically include sex), writer Matt Hawkins renews my faith in romance comics.  (I used to love them, but I feel like I’ve reviewed a run of not-so-good ones.  I was beginning to think that I’d lost my taste for them, which would have made me very sad.)  

Jupiter’s Legacy 1-5

Jupiter’s Legacy 2 1-5

Jupiter’s Circle 1-6

Jupiter’s Circle 2 1-6

I’ve been unimpressed with Jupiter’s Legacy: Requiem, but before I cancelled my sub, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t just because I’d forgotten the original comics and was missing out on a ton of context.

Well, Mark Millar’s on top of his game here, there’s no doubt about that.  Both the present day Legacy story (drawn by the magnificent Frank Quitely) and the prequel Circle arc (multiple pencillers) held my rapt attention.  Excellent stuff here.  It’s also one of the few times where Millar’s characterizations and interpersonal relationship are more interesting than the plot.  (Which doesn’t suck either.)


The prequel does an effective job of adding emotional weight to a number of the deaths in Legacy, where most of the old guard dies with no fanfare and little reflection.   

Having these issues fresh in my mind certainly improves Requiem.  And while it’s still not as good as its predecessors, it’s improved enough that I think I’m going to stick it out.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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